Section II.  Precipitation & Visibility Probabilities

A) Category Information: 
  	POP(%) [0Z-12Z] Tonight 
  	POP(%) [12Z-0Z] Tomorrow

POP (%) - Probability Of Precipitation based on a percentage from 0% to 100%

Enter your forecasted POP (%) in whole % in the range between 0 and 100.

Scoring:  [(Forecasted - Actual)/10.0]^2 = Error

  Forecasted - Your forecast POP (%)
  Actual     - The actual POP (%) which will be either 0 or 100 
               (Note: It either precipitates or it doesn't)
  Error      - The points given based on the mathematical equation above which will be
               added to your Total Score

Example:  Forecasted = 60 
          Actual     = 100 

 Error = [(60 - 100)/10.0]^2 = 16 points

B) Category Information:

	Amount of Precip {Nearest .01"} [0Z-0Z] Tomorrow

Enter your forecasted precipitation total in one hundredths of an inch 
  e.g., 4 1/2" entered as 4.50  or 2/3" entered as .67

Scoring: |Forecasted - Actual|*10.0 = Error 

  Forecasted - Your forecast precipitation total
  Actual     - The total precipitation  
  Error      - The points given based on the mathematical equation above which will be
               added to your Total Score

Example:  Forecasted = .45
          Actual     = .67

Error = |.45-.67|*10 = 2.2 Points

C) Category Information:

	Snow Observed(%) [0Z-0Z] Tomorrow
  	T-Storm(s) Observed(%) [0Z-0Z] Tomorrow
  	Visibility < 1 mile Observed(%) [0Z-0Z] Tomorrow

  The preceding categories are to be entered, and will be scored identically to the POP %