Atmos 5210/6210 Lab III: Sea-Effect Precipitation

Read Steenburgh and Nakai (2020) and answer the following questions:

1. What is the heavy snow region of Japan called?

2. How much bigger (as a percentage) is the Sea of Japan compared to Lake Superior?

3. On average, how much of the Sea of Japan is ice covered at maximum extent?

4. What is the East Asian winter monsoon?

5. What is the mean annual snowfall at Sukayu Onsen?

6. What is the Japan Sea Polar Airmass Convergence Zone and what does it form in response to?

7. What is the difference between a yamayuki and satoyuki snowfall?

8. What is the Mitumata avalanche disaster?

9. What is unusual about avalanche fatalities on Sakhalin Island?

10. What is unusual about the snow removal systems in portions of Japan?