ATMOS 5000
Introduction to Atmospheric Science
Fall 2018, Prof. Zhaoxia Pu

Lecture schedule: MWF 10:45-11:35am
Classroom: 820 WBB

Instructor: Prof. Zhaoxia Pu, Office: (801)585-3864,,
Office hour: Mon & Fri: 11:40am-12:10pm

Course Objectives: This course provides an intermediate-level introduction to the atmospheric sciences for both atmospheric science majors and other scientists and engineers. Topics include the structure of atmosphere, atmospheric thermodynamics, cloud physics, radiative transfer, and atmospheric dynamics. This course is the first of a series of theoretical and practical courses that you will take to qualify yourself as a meteorologist or atmospheric scientist. Students in other related majors will also gain a conmprehensive background in atmospheric sciences from this class.

Main Topics:

  • Basic math review
  • Atmospheric composition and mean state
  • Atmospheric thermodynamics
  • Atmospheric aerosol and cloud microphysical processes
  • Radiative transfer
  • Atmospheric dynamics

    Prerequisite: ATMOS 1010; MATH 1210 and 1220; PHYS 2210; or instructor's permission

    Required Textbook: Wallace, J. M., and P. V. Hobbs, Atmospheric Science: An Introductory Survey (Second Edition), Academic Press, 2006. ( Errata : click linked pdf here)

    Grading Policy:
    Grades will be based on your performance on the homework exercises, exams, and the class participation. The weighted contribution of each of these items to your final grade is given below:
    35% Homework
    15% Exam 1: Atmospheric composition and mean state & math review
    15% Exam 2: Atmospheric thermodynamics
    15% Exam 3: Cloud microphysics
    15% Exam 4: Radiative transfer and atmospheric dynamics
    5% Attendance
    [Note: There will be no final exam].
    Final grades are based on the following scale:
    >90 % guarantees an A or A-
    >80 % guarantees a B+, B, or B-
    >70 % guarantees a C+, C, or C-
    >60 % guarantees a D+, D, or D-
    <60% results in an E

    Disabilities Act: The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services, and activities for people with disabilities. If you will need accommodations in the class, reasonable prior notice needs to be given to the Center for Disability Services, 162 Olpin Union Building, 581-5020 (V/TDD). CDS will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations.

    Last update: July 25, 2018