ATMOS 5100
Atmospheric Dynamics

Spring 2024, Prof. Zhaoxia Pu

Lecture schedule: Mon. & Wed. 0910am-1030am
Classroom: WBB 820

Instructor: Prof. Zhaoxia Pu,,

Course Objectives: Introduction to atmospheric fluid dynamics, including fundamental forces, conservation laws, governing equations, circulation and vorticity.

Main Topics: (html link, click here)

Prerequisite: ATMOS 5000: Introduction to Atmospheric Sciences, or instructor's permission

Required Textbook: James R. Holton and Gregory J. Hakim, An introduction to dynamic meteorology, 5th edition. Academic Press, 2013.

Grading Policy:
Grades will be based upon your performance on the homework exercises, exams, and the attendance. The weighted contribution of each of these items to your final grade is given below:
35% Homework exercises
20% Midterm Exam I
20% Midterm Exam II
20% Midterm III/Final Exam
5% Attendence

Final grades are based on the following scale:
>90 % guarantees an A or A-
>80 % guarantees a B+, B, or B-
>70 % guarantees a C+, C, or C-
>60 % guarantees a D+, D, or D-
<60% results in an E

Lecture Topics

1. Introduction
    1.0 Math Review
    1.1 What is "Atmospheric Dynamics"?
    1.2 Variables and Units
    1.3 Basic operations of vectors
    1.4 Differential and integral calculus of vectors

2. Basic Physical Concepts
    2.1 Conservation of Momentum
    2.2 Fundamental Forces
    2.3 "Apparent" Forces
    2.4 Structure of the Static Atmosphere
    2.5 Scale Analysis

3. The Basic Conservation Laws
    3.1 Conservation of Momentum: Navier-Stokes Equations
    3.2 Scale Analysis of the Momentum Equations
    3.3 Conservation of Mass: Continuity Equation
    3.4 Conservation of Energy: Thermodynamic Energy Equation
    3.5 The Boussinesq Approximation
    3.6 Moist Atmosphere

4. Basic Solutions: Balanced Flow
    4.1 Kinematics
    4.2 Geostrophic Balance
    4.3 Momentum Equations in Natural Coordinates
    4.4 Balances in Natural Coordinates
    4.5 Thermal Wind Equation
    4.6 Vertical motion

5. Circulation, Vorticity and Potential Vorticity
    5.1 Circulation
    5.2 Vorticity
    5.3 Potential Vorticity
Last update: January 5, 2024, Dr. Zhaoxia Pu