CFACT Project Participates
Science Team
- Dr. Zhaoxia Pu, Professor, University of Utah (Principal Investigator)
- Dr. Eric Pardyjak, Professor, University of Utah (co-Principal Investigator)
- Dr. Sebastian Hoch, Associate Research Professor, University of Utah
- Dr. Anna Gannet Hallar, Associate Professor, University of Utah
- Dr. Ismail Gultepe, Senior Scientist, Environmental & Climate Change Canada
- Dr. Jeffrey Anderson, Senior Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Science
NCAR EOL Team Leader
- Dr. William Brown, NCAR/EOL
- Dr. Steve Oncley, NCAR/EOL
UU Instrumentation Specialist
- Dr. Maria Garcia, University of Utah
- Dr. Alexi Perelet, University of Utah
University of Utah Student Participates and Volunteers
- Rebecca Beal
- Johnathan Stoddard
- Matt DeMaria
- Pauline Kneller
- Angelina Miller
- Gerardo Carrillo-Cardenas
- Ben Silberman
- Travis Morrison
- Savanna Wolvin
- Michael Wasserstein
- Nancy Sohlberg
- Grace Liu
- Nic Hofmann
- Haley Scott
- Zac Claerhout
- Noah Hirshrn
- Bayasal Baterdene
- Pete Gombert
- Michael Pletcher
Science Panel - Community Collaborators
- Dr. Bergot Thierry, Meteo-France/CNRM, France
- Dr. Darren Van Cleave, NOAA/NWS WFO, Salt Lake City
- Dr. Yansen Wang, Army Research Laboratory, Adephi, Maryland
- Dr. Vijay Tallapragada, NOAA/NCEP?EMC, College Park, Maryland
- Mr. Chris Pennell, Utah Division of Air Quality, Salt Lake City
- Dr. Matt Jeglum, NWS Western Region Headquarters, Salt Lake City