University of Utah - College of Mines and Earth Sciences - Department of Atmospheric Sciences

Mountain Meteorology Group

Mountain Meteorology Fund

The Fund

A special fund was created in the Atmospheric Sciences Department by an anonymous donor in 2005 to promote University of Utah research and educational activities in mountain meteorology. The goals of this Mountain Meteorology Fund are: (1) to support education and research in mountain meteorology and climate, and (2) to promote international research and educational exchanges focused on mountain meteorology and climate. The fund is focused on support of student education and research in mountain meteorology and may be used to support international exchanges of students and faculty; to purchase research equipment; to conduct special seminars, workshops or short courses at UU; to fund student travel to national and international conferences, field experiments, workshops and short courses; and to promote other activities or purchases in support of mountain meteorology students. The fund is also used to provide travel funds for scientific vistors who come to the department to present mountain meteorology practica.

Whiteman Mountain Meteorology Award

A $1500 mountain meteorology award is given annually to a University of Utah undergraduate student with a special interest in or aptitude for mountain meteorology. The recipient is chosen by a faculty committee in the winter semester and is awarded at the Atmospheric Sciences Department's Annual Awards Banquet in April. No application is required. The award is funded annually by Prof. C. David Whiteman and his wife, Johanna.


2006: Darren Van Cleave
2007: Forrest Wren
2009: Will Mace
2010: Leah Campbell
2011: Wesley Harrison
2012: Jennifer Cook
2013: Ryan Colleran
2014: Derek Hodges
2015: Derek Hodges
2016: Alex Weech and Alex Lukinbeal
2017: Alex Guzman
© 2024 University of Utah Department of Atmospheric Sciences
135 South 1460 East (WBB) Rm. 819 Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
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