ATMOS 6020

Physical Meteorology

Assignment expectations

To receive full marks, an assignment solution must have the following qualities


Be written very neatly, following the rules of the paper or typed, with the progression of the derivation proceeding from top to bottom on the page

Be fully explained. This will require both words and math/physics. Each step of a derivation must be presented so that someone with no knowledge of the question can follow the argument you are making and see the step-by-step path you have taken from the initial statement of the problem to the solution. For example a) State problem b) write equation c) state other physics d) state that you will substitute the new physics into the original equation e) substitute this physics in the original equation e) State "therefore" f) write final solution g) describe final solution succinctly in words if  it might help or is required

Use proper english with careful attention to grammar, spelling and style. 

Assignments that do not follow the above (normal allowances being made if English is a second language) will either be docked marks or be returned to be redone.


Skew T-In p Chart.

Fall speeds and masses of solid precipitation particles

The distribution of raindrops with size


Graupel Maximum Dimension data

Atmospheric glories: simulations and observations